IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences
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    Presentación IIDCA


Giselle Reyes

Delegate IIDCA Uruguay

Giselle Reyes, in addition to being a Delegate for the IIDCA in Uruguay, is a Fitness instructor and Internationally Certified Aquatic Fitness Trainer IAA (International Aquatic Academy), and by the European Aquatic Association in Italy, where her Aqua MVD school is the representative of the association in Uruguay. He has participated in numerous events such as Aqua Fitness Days and Hidrogimnasia HIT and many others.

Since 2014, she has co-founded Cycling MVD with Martin Fumero, where she is a training speaker, as well as the creator of the Aqua MVD school for which she organizes events, develops workshops and training related to the world of fitness and water.

Among the wide variety and quantity of training, Giselle is a professional with extensive experience in both Fitness and Wellness. She is certified in Zumba and other dance techniques, Thera-Band, Everlast Boxing Workout, Sports Nutrition, Pilates under the Michael King USA school and other schools in Uruguay, occupational gymnastics, Gymnastics for Pregnant Women, Gymnastics for the Elderly, flexibility and stretching, physical conditioning and functional training, localized training, bodybuilding aimed at fitness and physical preparation and obviously fitness and rhythm instructors, as well as varied training in stationary cycling, and of course a large number of trainings on their aquatic specialty, among which we find matronation and hydrogymnastics, etc.