IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences
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    Presentación IIDCA


Gerardo Mello

Argentina IIDCA Ambassador

Gerardo Mello is an outstanding Presenter of Fitness and training techniques at a national and international level and is the IIDCA Ambassador for Argentina.

 He is a renowned martial artist with several awards to his credit, and has participated in a large number of competitions, as well as having trained in boxing with the renowned Victor Palma. On the other hand, he is a specialist in non-conventional training, body weight, body flow, MaceBell training, clubbels training.

His long career and extensive training in all kinds of areas of fitness and sports both in Argentina and abroad, also added to his career as a martial artist; They have led him to train in Wellness techniques such as Pilates, Yoga, and to continue in the search for the internal connection that martial arts proclaims in coherence with quality of life. For a better development as a presenter, he has also been trained in Public Speaking and NLP.

On the other hand, he has created training programs such as MarcialBox (Fit Box and Martial Training), In Excess (Located with bars), IndoorRace (Static Cycling), Primitive Training NC (Unconventional Training) and Primitive Training Kids.

Gerardo Mello is the Fitness & Wellness Specialist of the Commission for the Promotion of Healthy Habits and Health and the Coordinator of Academic Programs of the Unified Events Commission, in addition to being the IIDCA Ambassador for Argentina.