IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences

Entidades IIDCA

What entities can be associated?

IIDCA member entities are entrepreneurial companies that seek international recognition and projection. They are evaluated to check their professionalism, professional ethics and social responsibility. There are three types of IIDCA member entities:

  • The global entities IIDCA, are those companies that are dedicated to the sale of equipment and accessories, sale of clothing, sports associations, clubs and gyms, software and related services for clubs and gyms among others.
  • The media that are a fundamental piece in the industry and that disseminate and promote professionals and companies, promote the emergence of new training methods, trends, professional updates and everything new in equipment that clubs or gyms must have.
  • Universities, schools and educational entities in the fitness, wellness, sports, aesthetics, physical activity in general and health sectors.

They are already IIDCA members

IIDCA Academies

IIDCA Schools CPD Providers

IIDCA Global Entities