IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences


Courses Schools

FITTREKPsi (CPD) Curso de especialización Nordic Walking

Instructed Nordic Walking FITTREKpro

Urban Walking

Format: online

Spanish Language

Hourly Load: 50 h

Requirements: Have approved FITTREKpro Nordic Walking Instructor

This course will surely not be the most complete for learning sports psychology, nor for learning Mindfulness, nor even for learning everything that neurotraining can offer you as an athlete. But it is the only one that addresses how our psychological state affects sports performance, especially the peculiarities of competitive Nordic walking. Although it is applicable to any individual or collective, competitive sport.

A course that is more practical than theoretical, with more tips, skills and strategies than definitions and complex language. Aimed at athletes and coaches concerned about knowing what to do when the mind does not function in total harmony with our body, causing an inexplicable drop in performance. Well now, in this course we try to explain it to you, so that you understand it and, if you want, try to start to remedy it.

It consists of four modules, making up a manual of more than 200 pages.

In addition to various videos from experts in the field with specialized content.


Is Nordic walking a competitive sport?

Coaching is being a coach and something more

Not everything is Mindfulness, but it helps

The invisible training

Fundamentals of Sports Psychology

Communication, the mother of science

Neuroscience, the physiological bases

The brain, what does it do?


Mental strength, the goal

Where do we start? evaluating

We get started, the concrete intervention

Motivation and its eternal search


Thoughts, beliefs and emotions

Control of emotions

The internal dialogue

Optimal activation level

The attention


Sports viewing

Get into the zone or flow

decision making

Group cohesion

Error management

Electronic mental "doping"