IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences
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    Presentación IIDCA


Jaime Cristian Hernández Valdebenito

IIDCA Chile Delegate

Jaime Cristian Hernández Valdebenito, professor of physical education (U. Educares), researcher in the scientific and technological area, as well as a pioneer in the development of technological platforms for the evaluation of physical condition.
Master in Kinanthropometry. (UBA, Argentina)
ISAK I, II and III anthropometrist

His current role in the Foundation for Sustainability and Comprehensive Wellbeing "IIDCA" in addition to being Delegate for Chile is to be the Employability Coordinator of the Education and Employment Commission and the Technology and Productive Development Coordinator for the Entrepreneurship Commission.

His experience in the field of physical activity is more than 12 years where he has developed a system called "METAV" which gives a physical condition report and generates early metabolic warning indicators which: evaluate, prescribe, diagnose and advise , in the fields Body composition, physiological parameters, training systems and planning, and eating plans according to age, physical condition, build, and objective.

Focusing fundamentally on health parameters, developing a wide range of consulting and advice on body composition metrics and research in Latin American universities.

International speaker in papers related to "early metabolic alerts and democratizable technologies", for the employability of professionals who prescribe physical exercise and well-being.

Director of Science and Research of the Chilean Society for Physical Education, Recreation and Health (Schefres)
CO Founder and Chief Technology Officer/Meta V