IIDCA - International Institute of Sport and Applied Sciences
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    Presentación IIDCA


Ayoub Ben larbi

IIDCA Ambassador Tunisia

My name is Ayoub Ben Larbi, and I am the CEO of SPORT EDUCATION TUNISIA, as well as the IIDCA Ambassador for Tunisia.

I’’ve been a qualified master trainer since 2020, certified by the International Sports Sciences Association. My expertise extends to various specializations, including ISSA Nutrition Coach, ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, ISSA Group Personal Trainer, ISSA Corrective Exercises Specialist, ISSA Bodybuilding Specialist, and ISSA Sports Nutritionist.

Furthermore, I’ve recently obtained certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I’ve dedicated a significant amount of time to education, training, and ongoing research in the field of nutrition and fitness. With this knowledge, I’m driven to make substantial improvements in the fitness industry.